Winter and Summer - Mt.Tokachidake (Mt.Tokachi)On this page, you can compare the speed in the climb in winter using studded tires with that in summer. As the Studded tires are really heavy, they slow down the speed considerably in winter. We are going to show video files which are presented in the training report Mt.Tokachidake with video files taken at the same point of the steep climb of the Mt.Tokachidake in the following summer. There are Tesseract's version and Dr.K's version. Tesseract's climbing in winter Video: and Tesseract's climbing in summer at the same point Video: We show you also Dr.K's version. Dr.K's climbing in winter Video: and Dr.K's climbing in summer at the same point Video: As you see, the speed is completely different. Riding with studded tires is really hard. So if you train with studded tires throughout all the winter, your strength would become superior to that you have before the winter. |